Well, we tried our best. We rallied victims, witnesses, protesters, and sympathetic journalists to spread the truth about serial rapist Brett Kavanaugh, and thought we stood a good chance at derailing his Supreme Court hopes. In the end, our hopes were dashed by Mitch McConnell and the trump-worshiping (and trumpanzee-fearing) Republican Senators.
It's very discouraging that the Court will now be packed with far right Justices hell-bent on overturning Roe v Wade, destroying the few gun control laws in existence, eliminating all environmental and consumer protections, empowering corporations to control elections and crush unions, and undo many decades of progress as they take the country back to a regressive and unenlightened era.
Our protests are good, and we won't stop, but we need to motivate people to VOTE! The majority of the country favors many things that are being outlawed, while oppose many things being enacted, and while our voices may be heard they're not having any effect. Let's vote out all of those who work against our will and put in progressive thinkers to save this country from the trumpean damage being done on a daily basis.